core activity. 14.2 Combinations.
Combination: Here it means one way of putting a set of things together.
Possibilities: There is more than one way of putting a set of things
Combination: Here it means one way of putting a set of things together.
Possibilities: There is more than one way of putting a set of things
together. We say there are different possibilities.
together. We say there are different possibilities.
Systematic: working to a plan. Here it is varying one thing at a time.
Tell the learners that you have a young friend who has 3 T-shirt and 3 pairs of shorts. Explain that he (she) has often wondered how many different outfits he can make by wearing one of the T-shirts and one pair of shorts. Show the learners the clothing and then ask them how you could find out how many different outfits your friend could wear. Accept the offered ideas and try them out until two combinations that are the same are suggested.
Tell the learners '' There must be a way to find out without getting confused-I need some of you to help me''. Choose a leaner to come up to the front of the classroom and wear one of the T-shirts. Ask the learners how many different outfits they could wear if they always wore this T-shirt. Accept the ideas and record the answers. Once you have accepted all the possibilities then ask the second leaner to come up and wear second T-shirt. Repeat the process of identi-fying 3 possibilities with the second T-shirt. Explain that when you are trying to find all the different ways of doing something, it helps to keep one thing the same, like you did with the T-shirt, then find out how many different ways you can put the other things with that one same thing.
Ice Cream flavours explain that you can buy two scoops at a time. Ask the learners how many different ice-creams could be made. Remind them to keep one flavour the same and put each of the other flavours with it in turn, then change which flavour stays the same. Challenge some learners by explaining that ice-cream stall has a special offer on today-three scoops for $1.20. How many different ice-creams could be made using these scoops?
How many numbers? You will need the 0-9 digit cards photocopy master. Give each child three different digit cards and challenge them to make as many numbers as they can. How many different numbers did they make? Ask the learners to put their numbers in order. What if they had four different digits? Ask the learners to estimate how many different two digit numbers they thinkthey can make.