
May 19

Paper Plate Clock Activity for Learning to Tell Time

When I saw this idea on Pinterest (from Mrs. Dahl’s Classroom) to make a paper plate clock for learning to tell time, I knew we had to do it!  Gresham is ready to learn how to tell time, and we have been needing to just sit down and work on it.  Easier said than done at my house sometimes!  Yesterday, we got out paper plates and made this clock in five minutes.  Gresham is thrilled.  He keeps getting it out and saying, “Look Aidan!  I know what time this says!  It’s 3:30!  Look!  Now I made it say 4:15!”
We also have the Judy Clock, and it is very helpful.  I like them both for different reasons.  The Judy Clock has hands that really work – if you move the minute hand, the hour hand comes along at the appropriate rate.  What I really like about this paper plate clock is the flaps that lift up to show the minutes.  Super idea!